Turns off the PC

About the program

The goal was to create a program that turns off the PC in a pre-established time, there are several solutions on the market, but I wanted to study the C# language, along with Windows Form in Virual Studio, the latest version made in the the 2017 version of the tool.

Currently it has the features, shutdown, hibernate the computer by countdown, shutdown, hibernate and restart directly, English translation, sub-menus.
At the moment I am satisfied with the achieved result, I also decided to make the source code available on Github, "at the bottom of the page" for anyone who wants it.

Windows Hibernation Configuration

A common problem in the use of this program, happens when you have not made any configuration of power of the equipment, it can crash with a simple movement of the mouse or a key press on the screen. This happens because the default to change it, see the link below for instructions.
How to change the configuration in Windows 7

Some additional settings about power management in Windows.
Advanced Power Configuration

Current Resources

- Shutdown, Hibernate and Reset the PC.
- English and Portuguese translation.

Available at

Designer and Programming: Fred Oliveira

Download the code on Github